Designing Your Life’s Plot Twist: Where To Start


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Are you okay with being in the exact same place one year from now? If not, have you designed life and crafted a plan for a different result? You know you’re ready to make changes when you are able to acknowledge what isn’t working for you. The end goal is to achieve a life that is meaningful, and that may look different for everyone.

In order to make real changes that stick, it’s important that you first have the tools and mindset to design your extraordinary life. I want you to paint a vivid picture of the future you are excited about. A future that really gets your heart pounding and lights a fire underneath you. No matter what stage of life you are in, it’s never too late to reset your life and build something new.

Today I’m providing you with three steps to get you started in designing your life. These are the specific tools that I have used myself, and that you will soon be able to implement as you enthusiastically move toward your purpose. Get ready to 10x your passion in your day-to-day life and work and reach your greatest levels of happiness and fulfillment.

In this episode I share:

  • Concrete ways for you to begin to design your future
  • How to establish your measurement of success based on what drives you
  • A simple yet effective exercise to assess where you are right now
  • 2 revealing questions that will drive you to the work and life you can’t do and live
  • Dysfunctional beliefs that are holding a lot of people back from designing their own lives on their terms
  • How to look at the cultural narrative and discern that from your own

More Resources: 

Subscribe on Apple Podcasts for more tips, tools, and inspiration to leading the optimal vision of your life, love, and leadership. Remember, a half version of you is not enough. The world needs the fullest version of you at play.

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About Rita Hyland

With over 20 years of experience as an executive and leadership coach, Rita helps leaders — emerging and established — excel in corporate and entrepreneurial environments.

Rita believes if leaders were more clear about how transformation really works and more intentional about creating what they want, their impact, success, and influence in the world would be unstoppable.

Through her coaching programs, private coaching, and masterminds, Rita shows leaders how to win consistently and create the impact and legacy they desire.

Central to Rita’s work is the understanding that you will never outperform your current programming, no matter how strong your willpower.

When you learn to use Rita’s proprietary Neuroleadership Growth Code, a technology which uses the best of neuroscience and transformational psychology to hit the brain’s buttons for change, YOU become both the solution and the strategy.

Her mission is to end talented, hard-working, and self-aware leaders spending another day stuck in self-doubt or confusion and not contributing their brilliant work and talent the world so desperately needs.

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