It is Already Done

it is already done

I assure you that there is no magic in the story or practice I share, but the feeling is magical when you operate from a place that what you want is already achieved. It is already done. 

Six years ago I learned that there were homeless students in my community. Not one or two — but 22! I was embarrassed by my ignorance. I was further pained to think of these students’ daily experiences alongside others who have so much. I wanted to help, and I knew that if others in the community knew, they would want to contribute to these students too.  

So that year a small group of us organized a drive to raise money for the community’s homeless students. We used social media to get the word out. Fast forward five years, and we just sponsored our Fifth Annual Homeless Students Drive for the school district

Unfortunately, this year when we found out the exact number of local homeless students, the news was grimmer than ever. The number had grown from 54 last year to a whopping 98 this year. I was told it would likely hit 100 by the time the drive was over.

I knew I had to rally my team of three to do something, but frankly the new number — now almost double last year’s — seemed daunting. My overthinking mind had already done the math and was telling me it would be hard — likely impossible — especially with one less team member this year to help. We needed to double our goal at a time when many people are already struggling with rising costs. These thoughts were deflating. I was tired before I began.

Isn’t that how it goes? We see something we want, we set the goal, then our inner voice starts talking. It tells us, “It’s not realistic based on the past,” or “You’re not enough to pull this off.” At least that’s how mine ran.

Then I stopped. I took a moment to quiet my overthinking mind. I decided to stop listening to myself and instead TALKED TO ME. I knew better. Just because something is illogical or hasn’t been done, doesn’t mean it’s impossible. 

In the weeks ahead as you think about things you want to experience, create or build in the year ahead, there’s a chance that a part of your brain, as mine did, will try to talk you out of it. Understand that it doesn’t want you to pursue the unpredictable future you want.

Before you listen and it limits you, here’s a simple practice that will help put you back in charge:  

DECLARE things for yourself

The two declarations that will help you crack whatever goal you set…

  1. Everything is 100% possible. 

  2. It is ALREADY done.

I operated from these two declarations for the rest of the drive. When my mind wandered, I simply declared to myself, “It’s ALREADY done.” Others who joined the initiative started saying it too, “It’s ALREADY done.”  

What usually happened when I said this to myself is that I thought of one more idea to pursue or another person to ask. My actions always aligned with my thoughts. Then our results did too. 

The initial goal was to make sure that every homeless child was given $150 in gift cards for food, toiletries, and a small present this season. Instead, in less than a month, we raised enough for each child to receive $200 in gift cards as they leave for Christmas break. 

The bottom line: is don’t listen to yourself. Talk to yourself. Others suffer when we listen to our limited minds and forget our personal power. 

You, your voice, and your talents are needed now and in the year ahead. You are more powerful than you realize. Share your gifts generously. 

One more thing, when it comes to the person you are becoming and the goals you set in 2023, don’t make the mistake of trying to do it alone. Nothing truly great was ever achieved without the support of others.  

Ask for help often, and be open to receiving it when it comes. I’m never foolish enough to think I will succeed alone.  

May your holiday be filled with joy and delight as you imagine and create things that have never been! 






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