The 3-Minute Map-Making Tool To Clear Direction And Greater Ease

Do you have a map to create your hot marriage, career change, more profitable business, fit tummy, healthy family, or increased well-being?

We all need maps to get from where we are to where we want to be. You wouldn’t start driving to Idaho without one. Why then would you consider being without a map for your more significant desired outcomes and dreams?

After all, if you had a map, confusion, indecision and frustration would no longer pepper your day. Overwhelm would be virtually eliminated.

Overwhelm occurs because we don’t have one clear focus.

A map, like the one my clients and I have used and that I give you below, provide that focus you need to take clear action. In turn, your life moves from struggle to ease.

This quick hot tool can be used for any goal you set. I used it for the first time over 12 years ago when I decided I wanted to get married. Today I use it for creating a thriving home with my husband and three children and for building my clients businesses and lives.

Here’s what you do.

1. Take a sheet of 8 ½ x 11” paper. Turn it on its side.
2. Draw a vertical line one inch from the left side of the paper. Draw a second vertical line one inch from the right side of the paper. These are the banks of your river.
3. Draw a stick figure on the left river bank and under it write “me.”
4. On the right river bank write your goal, that is, what you want when you make it to the other side. The river is the area between the two banks.
5. Fill the river with rocks designated by circles. In each circle write an action to help you get to the other side.

For example, in my first map I created years ago when I wanted to create a relationship the rocks included: make eye contact, be open to men that do not fit my current profile, change my career to one I enjoy, take a trip, get a coach, change my routine daily, ask a guy to a concert, etc.

Each time I completed one task, I simply went back to look at my next. Oh yes, you have to act! But taking action is easier when you have that next step right before you.

I attribute this tool and other game-changing perspectives to me being engaged to my soul mate 18-months later. You can see why I have passion for having a map!

Here are a few rules to remember in creating your map.

1. The map does not need and should not be in order.
2. You can always go back to add other rocks or action steps. In fact, I encourage it.
3. Consider filling in the rocks like a brainstorming exercise, not a precise prescription. (You will need to use your inner voice to guide you along the way too.)

You’ve heard me say it before: HOPE IS NOT A STRATEGY! Focus and consistent action are. Having a map keeps you focused on both!


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